Vivien Simpson Program Director


Phone: (845) 473-0141        Phone answered 3:00 - 6:00 PM, Mon. - Fri.  

Otherwise, please leave a message and your call will be returned during those hours.


Our Board of Directors:


President:            Barb Adams,

Vice President:   open

Treasurer:            Kathy Betz-Wright

Secretary:            Mary Lou Davis

Members:             Ray Polivka

                                Margaret Slomin

                                Gael Morey

                                Kate Sprague-Hicks

                                Reverend Jody Spiak

                                Vivien Simpson


To contact Board of Director members, please call Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church at (845)452-2933 and leave a message.  A member will return your call as soon as possible.



Harriet Tubman Academic Skills Center

21 Williams Street

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601


There is visitor parking available.  As a regular volunteer, you will be given a parking pass to park in designated parking spots in front of the building.  Whether coming from Jefferson St. or Market St., we are located at the top of the hill, next to the Laundry Building.

The parking lot is aggressively monitored to protect residents' parking spaces. You WILL be towed if you park in Undesignated space.